Workshop: Poetry and the Great Green Mystery: A Generative Poetry Workshop with Dorothea Lasky

Workshop: Poetry and the Great Green Mystery: A Generative Poetry Workshop with Dorothea Lasky


5 Sessions: Sundays, April 20-May 18
12:00-2:00pm ET
Dorothea Lasky

This 5-week generative writing workshop is taught by poet and writer Dorothea Lasky. She is the author of six full-length collections of poetry including The Shining, Milk, Thunderbird, Black Life, and AWE, all out from Wave Books, as well as Rome (Liveright/W.W. Norton). She is also the author of the essay collections, Animal (Wave Books) and the forthcoming MEMORY (Semiotext(e)). Currently, she's an Associate Professor of Poetry at Columbia University School of the Arts.

the winter wind
is green.
–Joseph Ceravolo, “Spring”

In this class, we will explore the power, pressures, and mysterious magic of the color green, especially through the lens of poetry. Green expands, flutters, hides, infuses, and purifies a poem with its cool demeanor and momentum. Part of a set of classes that explore a particular color in poetry, this generative workshop will engage in immersive poetry exercises aided by the color green and visual art. We will workshop class members’ poems three times throughout the class. We will also examine the great mystery of green by reading poems by Joseph Ceravolo, D.H. Lawrence, Raina J. León, Federico García Lorca, Anne Carson, Natalie Diaz, William Blake, Angelina Weld Grimké, and H.D. Students will leave the course with feedback on their work and a group of poems inspired by green.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Instructor and peer feedback

  • Generative writing exercises

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Dorothea Lasky is the author of six full-length collections of poetry including The Shining, Milk, Thunderbird, Black Life, and AWE, all out from Wave Books, as well as Rome (Liveright/W.W. Norton). She is also the author of the essay collections, Animal (Wave Books) and the forthcoming MEMORY (Semiotext(e)). She has written several chapbooks, including: Snakes (Tungsten Press), Matter: A Picturebook(Argos Books), and Poetry is Not a Project (Ugly Duckling Presse), among others. She is the editor of Essays (Essay Press) and the co-editor of Open the Door: How to Excite Young People About Poetry(McSweeney's).

Her poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Boston Review, Gulf Coast, POETRY, The New Yorker, Tin House, and The Paris Review, among other places. She is the co-editor of Open the Door: How to Excite Young People About Poetry (McSweeney's, 2013) and was a 2013 Bagley Wright Lecturer on Poetry. Currently, she's an Associate Professor of Poetry at Columbia University School of the Arts.

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